Grant was appointed general in chief of the Union army. 他任命格兰特为联邦军的总指挥。
General Lee felt that one grand rush might break the Union army's spirit. 李将军认为再来一次大的突击就能击垮联邦军的士气。
The Union army, commanded by General Meade, held Cemetery Ridge and managed to hold off the Confederates. 联邦军当时的指挥官是米德将军,他攻占了墓园山脊,并成功拖住了南方邦联军。
The Confederates won the second battle of Bull Run, and the Union army failed to stop Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia from escaping after the bloody battle at Antietam Creek. 接下来邦联军赢得了第二次布尔渊战役,在安堤耶坦溪血腥战役后,联邦军没有成功阻止由罗伯特李领导的北维吉尼亚军队的脱逃。
In 1940 Xian went to the Soviet Union to compose the score of the documentary film Yan'an and the Eighth Route Army. 1940年,冼星海前往苏联,为纪录片《延安与八路军》进行后期制作与配乐。
The Union army was a vast blue. 北方联邦军穿蓝色制服。
Despite their reluctance to join the BGF, however, most groups have offered assurances that they will not separate from the Union and that they accept the one nation, one army concept. 然而,尽管他们不愿意加入边防警卫部队,但是大多数和平组织都保证绝对不会搞分裂闹独立,他们同时也接受“一国一军”的原则。
But the Union army was not hurt seriously. 但是,联盟军并未遭受重创。
Militantly resentful of slavery, he joined the Union Army. 由于对奴隶制度极为不满,他加入了联邦军队。
Robert E.Lee's Confederate army was much smaller than Joe Hooker's Union army. 罗伯特E·李的同盟军与胡克的联盟军相比数量更少了。
A member of the Union Army during the American Civil War. 美国内战期间联盟军的成员。
In the process of being discharged from the Union Army, he had gone to a white officer to seek help in filling out his papers. 他从联邦军队退役时,曾去找一位白人军官帮助他填写表格。
Its strategic importance was a large part of the reason it made such an inviting target for General Sherman's Union Army, which razed it during the Civil War. 它的战略重要性大部分是由于它成为舍曼将军联合军队注意的目标,并且在内战期间被夷为了平地。
Many Irish and Germans who had been bounty men in the Union Army had settled in Atlanta after their discharge. 许多曾在联邦军队中领过津贴的爱尔兰人和日耳曼人,遣散之后也在亚特兰大定居了。
The Soviet Union has sent its troops, the Red Army has come to help the Chinese people drive out the aggressor; Such an event has never happened before in Chinese history. 苏联出兵了,红军来援助中国人民驱逐侵略者,这是中国历史上从来没有过的事。
One resolution would make slaves of all Negro soldiers captured from the Union army. 一个方案将所有从联邦军队俘获的黑人士兵变成奴隶。
Some people say that now that the second imperialist world war has broken out, the Soviet Union will probably take sides& in other words, the Soviet Red Army seems to be on the point of joining the German imperialist front. 有些人说:第二次帝国主义世界大战既然爆发了,苏联或者会参加战争的一方,就是说,苏联红军似乎即将参加德国帝国主义的战线。
A group of Union Army members line up and prepare to fire their muskets. 联盟军的成员行组成的,并准备解雇他们的步枪。
The Union army was a vast blue. Cowboys and Boy Scouts wear handkerchiefs. 北方联邦军穿蓝色制服。牛仔和童子军围头巾。
In nowadays, the scientific technology of Soviet Union's army is more than one thousand tomes powerful than the Afghanistan's, but what's the result of the battle between the two above countries? 就现代而言,苏联军队的现代化科学技术与小小阿富汗相比反差何止千倍,苏联与阿富汗的较量最后如何?
When the Dharma army faces be a life-and-death matter during, Tan Yankai returned to southern Hunan, contributed to the Union and Dharma army in southern Hunan truce, and fall from the crisis of comprehensive protector of Xiang army rescue. 当护法军面临生死攸关之际,谭延闿返回湘南,促成了北军与护法军在湘南的停战,将护法湘军从全面覆亡的危局中解救出来。
After the eruption of the Korea War, Britain and the United States both thought the aggression of the North Korea must be prevented because it was incited by the Soviet Union, so they send the army to the Korea one after the other. 朝鲜战争爆发后,英美两国都认为北朝鲜的进攻是受到苏联的指使,必须加以阻止,于是两国相继派兵入朝作战。
In the Soviet Union during the training, both sides argued for the leadership of the Anti-Japanese United army. 在苏联整训期间,双方针对抗联的领导权问题展开了争论。